Tebitherocker's Blog (Music, Movies and more!!!)

As many of you know, Stephenie Meyer is going to publish this story, before that eclipse hit the theatres worldwide, it’s cominig on June 5, 2010, on the website http://www.breetanner.com you can download it for free, or you can buy it if you want to collect it with the other book of the series, this book was hope to come out with the twilight guide, but it was too long to fit in it, so the editorial ask for Stephenie’s agreement to publish it, as a short story (she calls it novella), and she was agree with that.
You can read the hole story behind this on: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/breetanner.html

Source: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com

An hour ago I was seeing this Academy Award nominated movie, and it’s really good, It’s just not another “teenage issues” kind of movie, it has a message, and I really admire Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) she doesn’t care what people say she is happy the way she is, and Precious fights against everything to get her daugther back, and needs to be strong to raise her kids, she doesn’t get depressed, she move on, and get over it, she studies at this alternative school, and her teacher encourage her to keep trying, and she give to Precious love this thing that she never had in her life and in words of Precious she express it in that way “Why the people that don’t know me, cares for me, and my mother and father don’t do it” I can’t remember the words exactly but that’s the idea.
On the other hand, we have Precious’s mom a selfish person, that never cares for her daugther, or tell me what kind of mother lets her husband rape her child, a three-year old baby!!!, and then tell that this baby is responsible for her loneliness, when the only guilty was her.
Well that’s pretty much everything, the movie ends with Precious and her kids walking down the streets.

So here is a video of this movie if you want to see it, I should tell you that it is a strong movie, it makes me cry, but it’s a good movie anyway.

See this vid, and tell me that this is such an amazing movie!!!! I love Broadway’s remakes, like Chicago, Mamma Mia or Hairspray

Hope for Haiti and Chile, please be helpful, do everything in your hands to help this people, specialy the children. 😉

I didn’t expected a new Paramore Video so soon, But here it is and it’s great as every video they’ve done
Hayley is amazing, and so the boys are!!!
Well Here it is
Enjoy it!!!

The Best Trailer I’ve ever seen, OMG Can’t wait till June 30th
Just look at Edward’s hands when he’s hugging Bella(she’s wearing a yellow t-shirt)

P.S. The wig doesn’t look that bad as it does when the filming begin(Bella’s graduation & Bella in Florida) back in July, 2009

For all the Gleeks out there, her’s the Glee season 2 preview, It’s pretty amazing, I can’t wait to see it!!

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